Custom sheds and outbuildings sheds for sale
Book a free consultation! shed builder
Phone: (860)-230-6252 sheds
Book a free consultation! shed builder
Phone: (860)-230-6252 sheds
Our sheds and barns are constructed with all natural materials through out the whole shed we use rough sawn eastern white pine straight from the saw mill in the board and batton style for our building. All of our sheds and barns are hand crafted piece by piece these sheds are very labor intensive not like the standard mass produced sheds at big box stores. The lumber we use on our building is full dimensional stock meaning the lumber on a 2x4 is actually 2 inches by 4 inches not the standard 1.5 inches by 3.5 inches and that goes for all our lumber. The floor starts out with pressure treated 4x4 runners and 2x4 floor joists and 1x10's for floor sheathing. The walls are framed with 2x4 construction,we build our shed walls at 6'5" custom hights are available. Our standard wall sheathing is 1x12's the roof consists of 2x4 or 2x6 trusses spaces at 2 feet on center we use a perling constrution over the trusses but we have options for fully sheathing the trusses with pine boards. The 29 gauge metal roofing comes standard on all our building. We offer alot of customization that can be incorporated in our sheds. We are always striving to create a better quality building.
Our company prides our self's on building the most durable sheds, with quality rough sawn wood. Our amish built sheds are heavy duty and will last for generations we build our buildings like they used to be built 150 years ago. our team comes to your location and constructs a shed on site to your specifications fully customizable build, our building start at 8x12 and go up to any size we build run-ins,horse barns, storage sheds,lean-to,quaker style,small and large cabin style sheds,pavillion,stall barns,chicken coops and much more.
Our company can provide your gravel shed founation. A gravel pad is an affordable choice as a shed founation, one simple way to make sure your building last longer with less maintenance.
Our shed foundation ensures that your building has a solid pad that will allow water to drain away and give full support to your new shed floor and is a much better solution than padio stones we use fabric weed barrier comes standard with all our shed pads allows a separation between the dirt and gravel our pads comes with pressure treated 4x4s, 4x6 or 6x6s timbers and anchoring them down with 1/2" x 2' rebar. Corners are pinned together with 8 inch lag screws.
The benefits with our sheds include
Locally sourced lumber
Longer lasting
No composites
All natural materials
Easily maintainable
Customizable throughout the build process
Competitive pricing
One price upfront
Includes 6' double door and metal
Satisfaction guaranteed
1 year warranty
Benifits of on-site builds
With space limitations the option to build on-site could be a lifesaver!!!
1 on 1 with the customer and builder we walk you though the build process to make sure you get exactly what you want as we're building.
Shed delivery we meet you at our store and go through the same process of making sure we can deliver your build were you would like your new shed to go.
On-site you can see how your shed is being built so there's no questions, we go through the custom options with you to make sure you get the most out of
On-site we schedule a one on one walk through appointment to go through all our options and how the build process works where to place your building on your property as well as customizing your building
Many properties have layouts that do not allow for the delivery of a pre-built storage building. You may have a spacious backyard with a narrow side yard, or you may want your new shed placed in a certain corner of your property that is not easily accessible.
With shed delivery you are limited with the number of spaces you can put your new shed but in some cases there is no option for delivery but with the special equipment of shed trailers and shed mules there much more options available depending on your property we can go over the clearances to see if thats a option that you could take.
The price of on site builds are more expensive for multiple reasons you get a lot of benefits going with on site there are endless probabilities of were to put your building. To coordinate a on site build is more expensive process to do vs manufacturing on a lot keeps cost down to were we can put those savings back to the customers and in the end charge less for sheds that get delivered
We invest in our company to get the right equipment for the job and offer more places your new shed can go with out tearing up the lawn. The shed mule allows us to get around septic systems and any other weight sensitive areas takes thousands of pounds off the weight of the lawn.
How we deliver the lumber for a on-site build.
Check out this great video
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290 route 169 Woodstock ct 06281
Phone: 860-230-6252 Email:
Monday - Sunday
By appointment only to speak with us directly but feel free to stop by our location anytime and check out what we have displayed.
Located at 290 Route 169 woodstock ct 06281
Accrossed from the woodstock fairgrounds.
Our company can provide your gravel shed founation. A gravel pad is an affordable choice as a shed founation is on simple way to make your building last longer with less maintenance
Our shed foundation ensures that your building has a solid pad that will allow water to drain away and is a much better solution than foundation blocks as they could cause structural problems down the road we use fabric weed barrier come standard with all our shed pads allows a separation between the dirt and gravel our pads come with pressure treated 4x4s,4x6 or 6x6s timbers and anchoring them down with 1/2" x 2'rebar. Corners are pinned together with 8 inch lag screws. Our pads are 1 foot bigger than the shed on all sides for example a 8x12 shed would have a shed pad size of 10x14 feet
This is a example of a shed pad off level which would require to build up on one side, we would start with removing the top layer of the soil and dig down and make a trench for the timber to lay level sometimes multiple rows of timber is required until the perimeter of the pad is flush with the ground on one side.
This would a example of a shed pad that is fairly level and does not require so much labor and materials. This would require just one row of timber which we would excavate the area until we get a nice level surface we then would tamp the dirt so theres a good solid surface to lay the stone.
Step 2. We would then construct the wood perimeter with our pressure treated 4x4s or 6x6s and they are lagged together with high quality 8 inch lag screws and then anchored down, Next we would lay the fabric weed barrier down to get a separation between the dirt and stone. The stone is then layed and tempted until the stone is flush with the surface of the timber.